3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 1, 2013 5:48 AM by sategroup

    rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.0 Final




      I've got problems getting dataScroller work in 4.3.0.Final (on Oracle WebLogic 12c).


      Earlier, when I was using RF 4.2.1, datascroller was working fine, but after moving to 4.3.0 Final, it has stopped working.


      My project doesn't use maven and I have seen the other posts on this forum that says to fix the problem, "remove the older version of Guava r9 jar file and replace it with a higher version file."

      I am using Guava 11.0.2 and I even tried with guava 13.0.1 and 15.0 jar files, but no success


      The ear file that I deploy on weblogic 12c, has the following structure:


                   /WEB-INF  = NO lib folder inside it
                   /other files


      databean is ViewScoped

      JSF code snippet:


                                  <h:form id="form">
                                      <h:panelGroup id="Data1">
                                          <rich:column width="85%" style="vertical-align:top; padding:0;">
                                              <rich:dataTable value="#{databean.dtaalist}" var="d" id="xdata" rows="5" >                                        
                                              <rich:column width="10%" style="vertical-align:top">
                                                  <f:facet name="header">
                                                      <h:outputText value="Label" />
                                                  <h:outputText value="#{d.value}"/>
                                          <rich:dataScroller for="xdata" renderIfSinglePage="false"/>


      I even tried using RF 4.3.1 and 4.3.4, but the problem is same. Please help and guide me what I am doing wrong.




        • 1. Re: rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.0 Final

          The guava version to use with RichFaces 4.3.0.Final is 11.0.2  See:



          What implementation and version of JSF are you using?

          Do you have any errors in your server log or in your browser console? 


          See this write-up on debugging RichFaces client behavior:


          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.0 Final

            Hi Brian,


            I am using JSF 2.1.0 version & guava 11.0.2.jar file. Application is deployed on Weblogic 12c.


            I checked the ear file of my project and the JSF 2.1.0 jars were not present in the lib folder of my ear file, which means it must be picking the jars from weblogic.(Surprisingly, I was unable to find one ) After debugging the request on client side, I notice the following error:


            Reading this error, I suspect that it is unable to find the correct method in guava jar file. However, I have the jar file present in the lib folder and I am not sure why it is throwing such error.


            Kindly help...




            • 3. Re: rich:dataScroller not working in RF 4.3.0 Final

              Hi Brian,


              I was able to figure out the problem. Weblogic 12c is packed with an old com.google.commons*.jar file, which was causing the issue. I just had to add a jar precedence in weblogic-application.xml file to include my jar file over the jar file present in weblogic 12c. This worked for me.






              Thanks for your help and your debugging link was really helpful in finding the exact root cause of the problem.


