0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 28, 2003 12:54 PM by apost

    CMR 1 to A Large Number performance issue


      I'm using CMR with JBoss 3.02 and everything works as advertised but...

      I have a 1 to many bidirectional relationship between two tables and the update of the cmr field in the 'many' entity's ejbPostCreate is getting progressively slower (a second if not more when the 'many' side has 2000+ rows). My thinking was that JBoss maintains a collection of some sort to implement one -> many navigation and this collection was starting to bog down with so much data. So, I made the relationship unidirectional. No effect. Turning debug on in the log4j.xml file shows that JBoss is still doing a select of all the rows in the 'many' table that have a key in the 'one' table. Is it maintaining the one->many navigation anyway? If so, why? If not, what's causing this insert to slow so much. BTW, it's not the size of the database. Other one to many relationships between the two tables perform adequately.