0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 8, 2003 2:44 AM by winestr

    BMP activation and passivation


      I am running JBoss 3.0.4 and Oracle 9i. I have created a simple BMP entity bean that uses ejbActivate to get a connection to the Oracle database and ejbPassivate
      to close the connection.

      I have set in >\server\default\conf\standardjboss.xml all values in <cache-policy-conf> to


      and deployed the bean.

      When I start the client JBoss creates 5 instances of the bean and after 20 secs removes 3 of them.

      I run the client again and JBoss creates another 5 instances of the bean and after 20 secs removes 3 of them.

      Of course I rapidly run out of connections to the Oracle database as the remaining 2 instances in every case never get closed.

      Does anyone know why

      1) JBoss always creates 5 instances even though previous instances already exist?
      2) JBoss does not release all instance on the bean reaches overage?

      Thanks in advance
