0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 9, 2013 5:50 AM by anuragvr

    OSGI - handling 3rd party JARs and their dependencies


      I'm new in OSGI development and am struggling to understand how best to handle dependent JARs.

      i.e. if I'm creating a bundle the likelihood is that I will need to use a few 3rd party JARs. When I create my bundle JAR to deploy to OSGI, obviously these 3rd party JARs are not included and thus the bundle will not run.

      I understand that one option is to turn these JARs into bundles and deploy them to the OSGI container. When I bundled and try deploy third party jar it throws error for their own dependent jars and these dependencies are endless and not possible to fulfill.

      What is the best solution to this?

