2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 10, 2013 11:44 AM by swdev

    2.0.4.FINAL: weld-se.jar should not include slf4j-simple


      Currently, weld-se.jar includes slf4j-simple thus making it impossible to use other slf4j bindings (unless using maven excludes).


      According to this link no slf4j implementation should be embedded in other libraries.



      Please fix this in next version.



        • 1. Re: 2.0.4.FINAL: weld-se.jar should not include slf4j-simple


          org.jboss.weld.se:weld-se is an uber-jar, it bundles all the required dependencies (cdi-api, guava, etc.) and is built for user convenience. However I agree it should not bundle slf4j-simple. As you wrote - org.jboss.weld.se:weld-se-core and maven excludes should be used to define fine-grained dependencies. Note that from version 2.1.x slf4j is no longer a Weld dependency - it was replaced with jboss-logging (see also WELD-1409) which automatically detects the underlying logging system (jdk, slf4j, log4j, etc.). I would recommend you to try Weld 2.1.0.CR1 (and later switch to 2.1.0.Final which will be released soon).

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: 2.0.4.FINAL: weld-se.jar should not include slf4j-simple



            I understand the purpose of weld-se.jar is to include all necessary dependencies so that cdi-se developers can get quick start with a single jar, however with the inclusion of sl4f-simple binding, it excludes the possibility of using other slf4j binding, including no logging that is needed outside of development.


            Sounds like this will be addressed in 2.1, I consider this resolved.

