0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 12, 2013 7:51 AM by mxm

    primefaces on jboss as6.1


      Hi all, I'm trying to set up an example project in ecplise kepler, found on primefaces.org, using JSF 2.0 mojarra.

      The sample is running, however, it primefaces doesn't render the tags. It seems that it somehow doesn't use the primefaces-jars.

      This is how it looks like when running :


      and this is what it supposed to look like:


      so this is the eclipse file : org.eclipse.wst.common.component.xml that is included in settings folder, that makes sure to implement the primefaces-jars:



      now, as it doesnt work and I have googled it, it showed that, for instance, jboss AS7 uses a pom.xml file to include dependencies. Is it the same for AS6.1 ?