0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 14, 2013 7:34 AM by ansur

    Registering extension and subsystem through CLI batch


      We have this feature in our system (JBoss 7.2.0.Final), where we can execute CLI scripts when a a module or a deployable (.ear, .war etc) is deployed.

      The script is executed on the server-side directly, not through a client.


      One thing we need is that the script(s) are executed in a transaction, so we're using the batch feature.
      However, when registering an extension and its subsystem, this doesn't quite work in batch mode


      We perform the following two operations:



      Without batch mode, this works, but with batch mode we get the following error:

      "JBAS014883: No resource definition is registered for address [(\"subsystem\" => \"our_extension\")]",


      Meaning it doesn't take into account the result of the first operation. Is there a way around it or is it by design?