1. Re: ear deployment in EAP6
wdfink Oct 14, 2013 3:37 PM (in response to mrsama80)You might use several options
- deploy the ear with CLI and use a runtime-name without the version numbers
- add the application name in the application.xml deployment descriptor to force the name without version numbers
2. Re: ear deployment in EAP6
mrsama80 Oct 14, 2013 4:16 PM (in response to wdfink)I need the project version number at the time of deployment. What is the reason for the jboss not to start when given the version number to the sub projects?
3. Re: ear deployment in EAP6
wdfink Oct 15, 2013 2:36 AM (in response to mrsama80)With EJB3.1 the JNDI naming is standardized.
by default ear-name/module-name/bean-name is used.
If you drop the ear without any deployment descriptor the name of the ear and the ejb.jar inside are used to create the JNDI names.
From the error I suppose you have a reference to 'cvm/vod_business_logic/EntitlementServiceLocal!com.cox.sl.dataimport.vod.EntitlementsService'
But you deploy cvm-5.2.2.ear (not sure whether you have a vod_business_logic.jar inside).
You need to declare the application name in the deployment descriptor or use managed deployments to change this.
The EE compatible approach is to use the application.xml descriptor to rename the app.