4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 24, 2013 9:53 PM by bleathem

    richfaces Tree;


      Hi all. I am developping an application using richfaces 4.I am also using rich:tree component and with togglenodeListener and selectionNodeListener i scroll the leafs and i  depict node data to a rich:datatable.  Is there a way to do the other way i.e to select a row in the rich:datatable and with the row data to expand a tree node hierarchy (from the top up to the node that contains the row data);



      It is important for the continuation of my developement.


      Thank you in advance for your time.



        • 1. Re: richfaces Tree;

          Try using the expanded node attribute with EL to programmatically expand a tree node.  There are lots of threads in the forum discussing this topic, it would be great if someone could put together a sample/tutorial and share it with the community.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: richfaces Tree;

            Hello. Thank you for your time replying to my post. I have tried the expanded attribute but the tree doesn't seem to respond.Has it worked for you;





            • 3. Re: richfaces Tree;

              Hi i managed to get the expand attribute working.


              Do you have an example of how selection attribute works?

              • 4. Re: richfaces Tree;

                I don't have such an example off hand.  I'll see if I can put one together in the dev-examples at some point in the not too distant future.