2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 24, 2013 10:03 AM by clebert.suconic

    The code about transaction send in 2.3.0.Final


      Today,I read the source code of hornetq-core-client in 2.3.0.Final.I want to understand the process of ack and batch ack.I find the code as follows:



               final boolean sendBlockingConfig = msgI.isDurable() ? blockOnDurableSend : blockOnNonDurableSend;

               final boolean forceAsyncOverride = handler != null;

               final boolean sendBlocking = sendBlockingConfig && !forceAsyncOverride;

      This code is in org.hornetq.core.client.impl.ClientProducer.

      I feel confused that when I send messages with transaction,the producer will send messages nonblocking,but what I see is that the send method will choose blocking or nonblocking according to the code as I presented above,it seems that the transation send has no relationship with blocking or nonblocking,Please help me.

        • 1. Re: The code about transaction send in 2.3.0.Final

          ClientProducerInternal producer = new ClientProducerImpl(this,


                                                                         maxRate == -1 ? null

                                                                                      : new TokenBucketLimiterImpl(maxRate, false),

                                                                         autoCommitSends && blockOnNonDurableSend,

                                                                         autoCommitSends && blockOnDurableSend,


                                                                         groupID == null ? null : new SimpleString(groupID),



          Just now,I find the code above.It will add the transaction parameters(autoCommitSend) to the result of blockOnNonDurableSend and blockOnDurable.

          • 2. Re: The code about transaction send in 2.3.0.Final

            We block when you commit... commit will block until all the previous sent messages are finished.