1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 25, 2013 1:08 AM by kawest173713

    Getting exception when attempting to view Personal task from jbpm-console...


      We have successfully setup jBPM 5.4 with Java 1.7, JBOSS AS 7.2, and PostgreSQL database. We created a repository for Guvnor, tasks, and processes (running from jbpm-console), all using PostgreSQL. All of the components appear to be working fine with this configuration (except reporting, but that's for another discussion). We can create processes in guvnor and store them in it's database repository. We can use jbpm-console to execute those processes, and view personal task that are assigned.


      We also need to be able to support Oracle 11g. So, I modified all of the various config/persistence files to utilize Oracle. I tried both ojdbc6 and ojdbc7 jars.


      Initially, I was getting errors indicating that there was a sequence file missing called "hibernate_sequence". For now, I created this sequence, and everything appeared to come up fine. I could go into Guvnor and create a process that had 1 human task in it where I assigned the task to my user id, and build the package containing it. I then logged into jbpm-console, and executed the process. I then went to Tasks -> Personal Tasks, and then clicked on the "Refresh" button. When I did this under PostgreSQL, the task assigned to me would be displayed, and I could then view it. Unfortunately, using Oracle, I got a Javascript exception as follows:


      2013-10-24 00:30:07,287 [DEBUG] GET: http://vm90222.fsc.fedex.com:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/tasks/173713

      2013-10-24 00:30:07,481 [DEBUG] parse {"tasks":[{"id":1,"processInstanceId":"1","processId":"defaultPackage.TestBPMN2","assignee":"173713","isBlocking":false,"isSignalling":false,"outcomes":[],"currentState":"ASSIGNED","participantUsers":[],"participantGroups":[],"url":"http://vm90222.fsc.fedex.com:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/form/task/1/render","priority":0}]}

      2013-10-24 00:30:07,485 [DEBUG] parse {"id":1, "processInstanceId":"1", "processId":"defaultPackage.TestBPMN2", "assignee":"173713", "isBlocking":false, "isSignalling":false, "outcomes":[], "currentState":"ASSIGNED", "participantUsers":[], "participantGroups":[], "url":"http://vm90222.fsc.fedex.com:8080/gwt-console-server/rs/form/task/1/render", "priority":0}

      2013-10-24 00:30:07,493 [FATAL] Uncaught Exception:
      (TypeError): Cannot read property 'value_0' of null

          at Unknown.$fillInStackTrace_1(JsArrayString.java:42)
          at Unknown.$JavaScriptException(StackTraceCreator.java:366)
          at Unknown.caught_0(Exceptions.java:29)
          at Unknown.$asString(JSONWalk.java:126)
          at Unknown.parseTaskReference(JSONWalk.java:48)
          at Unknown.parseTaskReferenceList(DTOParser.java:51)
          at Unknown.handleSuccessfulResponse_15(LoadTasksAction.java:74)
          at Unknown.onResponseReceived_5(AbstractRESTAction.java:78)
          at Unknown.$fireOnResponseReceived(Request.java:287)
          at Unknown.onReadyStateChange_0(RequestBuilder.java:393)
          at Unknown.anonymous(XMLHttpRequest.java:258)
          at Unknown.entry0(Impl.java:146)
          at Unknown.anonymous(Impl.java:56)



      In the server log, there were no exceptions related to this, although there was quite of bit of hibernate activity - I'd configured JBOSS to log all hibernate activity, and there were no indications of errors or problems in the log.


      I'd seen some time back where someone else had asked a similar question, but received no answers, so hoping I have maybe provided a bit more info where this can be resolved or a workaround found.


      Appreciate any pointers/help.




        • 1. Re: Getting exception when attempting to view Personal task from jbpm-console...

          Well, this ended up being caused by my not providing a Task name for the human task in the process that was being executed. I guess it tries to pull this value to populate one of the columns on the screen, and if null, the exception occurs. Had I done a "Validate" on the process, this would have caught it. However, it's interesting that the process saves, has the green check mark by it, and the package its in builds fine even though it didn't pass the validate.


          Anyway, if anyone gets this in the future - make sure to perform a validate on your process to see what might be missing that is required.


