1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 25, 2013 6:29 PM by dipalik

    rich:calendar issue


      I am trying to setup a <rich:calendar> widget in ajax mode with a data model, and having a very strange issue (I am following the example here, http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=calendar&sample=dataModel&skin=blueSky). It seems like the ajax response is not being consumed by the javascript correctly. I can see the ajax event fires, I step through the code on the server side and verify it is setting the correct attributes, and lastly in firebug, I verify the 

      response from the server looks correct. However, when the calendar is re-rendered, it does not look right (i am disabling certain days and changing the styling on them). 


      One interesting note - the first time the calendar is rendered the days in the presently showing month which should be disabled are correctly disabled however styling is missing. When I go to other months it is broken (nothing disabled, no styling changes). When I go back to the original month, what was originally working (the few days which were disabled) are no longer disabled. 


      I don't think it is a brower issue because this link works fine. I have also tried in IE and chrome with the same result.


      I am using RichFaces 4.3.4. My application server is WAS




        • 1. Re: rich:calendar issue

          I have spent some time debugging RichFaces.js. I think the issue might be related to RF-11365 as the extension element in my case has a prefix -


          <extension id="ns_AccountActivity_default_org.richfaces.extension"><render>viewns_AccountActivity_default_:ns_AccountActivity_default_j_id705051411_2a063b27:ns_AccountActivity_default_j_id705051411_2a063b5d@daysData</render><componentData>{"viewns_AccountActivity_default_:ns_AccountActivity_default_j_id705051411_2a063b27:ns_AccountActivity_default_j_id705051411_2a063b5d":{"startDate":{"month":11,"year":2014} ,"days":[{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ,{"enabled":false,"styleClass":"bdc"} ] } } </componentData></extension>


          In the comments on RF-11365 there was a proposed solution, however in my version of RichFaces.js I do not see it implemented. What was the resolution for this?


