1. Re: Using Hive2 as a data source
rareddy Oct 29, 2013 1:14 PM (in response to bzarboni)In Teiid Designer there is new importer called "Teiid Connection >> Source model", use that importer for building the source model for Hive. The traditional JDBC importer with Hive will not work as the Hive JDBC drivers metadata capabilities are some what limited right now.
This new importer will use Teiid's translator capabilities to import the metadata.
2. Re: Using Hive2 as a data source
bzarboni Oct 30, 2013 10:17 AM (in response to rareddy)Thanks Ramesh,
That seemed to work (although the designer threw exceptions if I tried to import into and existing modeling project... maybe the designer team needs to be aware).
I've got a follow-up question for you about the import however: It seems as though there's a way to define source models outside of the designer. I think I've seen hints in this forum about either through code or configuration files? Is there a preferred way to do source / view modeling that is not using Teiid Designer? if so, is there any documentation / tutorials that I can refer to?
Thanks again!
3. Re: Using Hive2 as a data source
rareddy Oct 30, 2013 12:26 PM (in response to bzarboni)Ben,
That seemed to work (although the designer threw exceptions if I tried to import into and existing modeling project... maybe the designer team needs to be aware).
Can be be specific about what exceptions you saw?
there a preferred way to do source / view modeling that is not using Teiid Designer? if so, is there any documentation / tutorials that I can refer to?
Yes, it is called "Dynamic VDB", it is simple XML file. You need to either hand code it or programatically create it. There are many questions on the forum and documentation on this subject. In this you use DDL to define your views. See VDB Definition - Teiid 8.6 (draft) - Project Documentation Editor
Also checkout examples at Home - Teiid Examples - Project Documentation Editor
You pretty much do everything you can do in Designer with dynamic vdbs, except for some complex webservice/xml modeling stuff. However, Designer makes it easy to develop.