1. Re: GAE app migration
alesj Oct 30, 2013 4:18 AM (in response to caringi)So, my question is... Does CapeDwarf supports Backends API?
Not in the same sense that Appspot does it -- true modularization across different JVMs.
Backends API - afaik, was replaced by Modules API, which is what we somehow support.
Atm we allow you to deploy the app as .ear, but we then use single JVM with multiple virtual servers: see standalone-capedwarf-modules.xml for more details on virtual server config.
But we do plan to extend JBossAS7 / Wildfly's domain mode, to better mimic modularization.
I would say that the current state is more for test purposes, so you can also tests some form of modularization,
where extended domain mode would be closer to real stuff.
If you need more help setting this up, let me know.
Another question is about the database... What is the best way to export data from GAE and import in JBoss+CapeDwarf?
We have a tool - BulkLoader - that knows how to import GAE's data.
You need to first use GAE's export tools, to get the data out of GAE, and then point our BulkLoader to it.
- Mail API
For this you need to configure SMTP in app. server's config.
(standalone-capedwarf.xml or standalone-capedwarf-modules.xml)
2. Re: GAE app migration
alesj Oct 30, 2013 7:08 AM (in response to alesj)So, my question is... Does CapeDwarf supports Backends API?
Not in the same sense that Appspot does it -- true modularization across different JVMs.
Backends API - afaik, was replaced by Modules API, which is what we somehow support.
OK, BackendService is still there -- I guess the actual impl behind is now modules?
In our case we basically mock backends atm, returning you the same instance.
(I guess we need to update this with Modules info ... hint: contribution welcome :-))
A simple test can be found here:
3. Re: GAE app migration
alesj Oct 30, 2013 7:16 AM (in response to alesj)
(I guess we need to update this with Modules info ... hint: contribution welcome :-))[CAPEDWARF-207] Update BackendService impl wrt Modules info - JBoss Issue Tracker