1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 4, 2013 6:24 PM by jamezp

    How can we enable debugging of log4j itself


      My JBoss server.log stops logging during the deployment of an application, right after some TRACE level output statements get printed. I suspect that some code is changing my logging configuration.  I would like to enable debug on the logging library(I understand is log4j) to see what is the cause. I have tried this following ways, but none appears to work:


      1. adding -Dlog4j.debug=true to the startup line.

      2. adding this snippet to standalone.xml


                <logger category="org.apache.log4j">

                      <level name="DEBUG"/>



      inside the  <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.2"> section.


      3. Adding similar logging configuration in 2. to our own logging.


      What is the proper way to enable debugging on the JBoss logging system?



        • 1. Re: How can we enable debugging of log4j itself

          JBoss AS 7 actually uses JBoss Log Manager to configure logging and not log4j. What version of JBoss AS/EAP are you using? If it's EAP you might want to try to add -Dorg.jboss.as.logging.per-deployment=false if you include a log4j configuration file or a logging.properties file in your deployment, but want to use the logging subsystem to configure logging.


          To see some debug output you can add a logger with the category org.jboss.as.logging.



          James R. Perkins