1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 8, 2013 10:46 AM by umberto-cappellini

    Is there a way to create a package of bundles?


      Hi, I'm working with JBoss OSGI and I'm developing several bundles that are deployed in the bundles folder. Some of them have startup levels. My problem is that as the number of bundles grow I'm starting to think that managing that folder structure is going to be difficult so I was trying to find a way to pack them in one single file, something like an EAR or a WAR. Is it possible?

        • 1. Re: Is there a way to create a package of bundles?

          Hi, you should be able to pack your bundles in a EAR and the framework should activate it. Problem is that the last time I tried the activators of the bundles were not triggered. Unfortunately it seems there's no more support on jbosgi for wildfly, therefore I see it hard to fix such kind of bugs (which I guess would take very little effort to fix).


          Maybe somebody outside jboss could keep the project alive.