0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 9, 2013 6:44 AM by batikit

    jboss 7.1 runtime server's full publish feature does not deploy the $1.class (anonymous inner classes) files


      I am using:


      JBDS 6.0.0.GA
      Server: jboss-as-7.1.1.Final


      The war is a simple web application


      Directory of F:\workspace\webApp\target\webApp\WEB-INF\classes\com\kit\controller


      09/11/2013  08:39 PM    <DIR>          .

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM    <DIR>          ..

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             1,556 CounterBean.class

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             3,410 EntryFormController.class

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             1,185 MainMenuController$1.class

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             6,617 MainMenuController.class

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             1,857 PollController.class

                     5 File(s)         14,625 bytes


      Directory of F:\workspace\webApp\target\webApp\WEB-INF\classes\com\kit\util


      09/11/2013  08:39 PM    <DIR>          .

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM    <DIR>          ..

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             3,796 DigitCaptcha.class

      09/11/2013  08:39 PM             1,384 RequestFormStage.class

                     2 File(s)          5,180 bytes


      RequestFormStage.class is a enum class

      MainMenuController$1.class has the enum class as the anonymous inner classes


      The "Full Publish" option under the webApp project from JBoss 7,1 Runtime Server would result in the $1.class not being deployed to the deployment folder.

      This would result in classNotFoundException because the $1.class was missing


      Is there a way to make the Full Publish to deploy the inner classes? or is it a bug?


      Currently I must drop the war to the deployment as a work around....