0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 13, 2013 10:47 PM by khiem

    JBoss CLI: deployment-info doesn't work with application name contains space


      Using deployment-info --name=<app.name> I can't find a way to pass the application name that contains space. For example: samp le.war


      deployment-info --name=samp le.war

      The command accepts 0 unnamed argument(s) but received: [le.war]


      deployment-info --name=samp\ le.war

      The command accepts 0 unnamed argument(s) but received: [le.war]

      deployment-info --name="samp le.war"

      JBAS014807: Management resource '[("deployment" => "\"samp le.war\"")]' not found


      As in the deployment interface, the application name input doesn't allow "space and special chars" but actually if I choose a package that contains space and leave app name empty, the package name will be used and spaces are OK. But then CLI seems can't work with app name contains space???