3 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2003 2:36 PM by nicknewman

    Unnecessary table join from EJB-QL

      This is not a bug - more of an efficiency question.

      I have two entities, say Book and Author, which have a 1-many relationship (one author writes many books).

      I want to find the books written by an author, given the author's primary key.

      For the EQB-QL I can write:

      FROM Book b
      WHERE Book.author.pkey = ?1

      This works fine, but the generated SQL is something like:

      SELECT Book.pkey
      FROM Book, Author
      WHERE Book.author = Author.pkey
      AND Author.pkey = ?1

      It seems that the join is unnecessary and inefficient. If writing the SQL directly we would just have:

      SELECT Book.pkey
      FROM Book
      WHERE Book.author = ?1

      Is there any EQB-QL way to "encourage" JBoss to use the more efficient SQL? Or is this just a function of how smart the EGB-QL to SQL conversion is?


        • 1. Re: Unnecessary table join from EJB-QL

          Have you declared load-groups and set eager-loading and lazy loading groups for your columns? Have a look at the CMP doc for details.

          • 2. Re: Unnecessary table join from EJB-QL

            No, I haven't done that. I wouldn't expect it to change the table-join that JBoss is generating, but it's certainly worth checking.


            • 3. Re: Unnecessary table join from EJB-QL

              In case anyone else is interested I'll post the answer which I eventually came up with myself.

              Instead of using a finder on Book looking something like this:

              bookHome.findByAuthorPk( authorPk );

              use a finder on the Author and then ask for his books, something like this:

              authorHome.findByPrimaryKey( authorPk ).getBooks();

              or, possibly better yet (because it is more flexible) change the book finder to take an Author rather than a primary key, like this:

              Author author =
              authorHome.findByPrimaryKey( authorPk );
              bookHome.findByAuthor( author );

              Both of these solutions perform an Author lookup which might be considered unnecessary, but this is better than a table join.
