3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 18, 2013 1:38 AM by rustock0

    JBoss AS 7.2.0.Final initialization order of EAR modules


      Hello. I have some EAR project. With current structure:
            | - package.war
            | - lib
                 | - library.jar
                 | - a lot of jar files
      I need in strict loading of modules. Only when library.jar will be fully initialized, package.war should be deploying. How I can do that? I tried to add java module to application.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <application xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/application_6.xsd" version="6">















      But I have next error in the log:
      Module may not be a child of the EAR's library directory.


      What's wrong? How to fix it?