1. Re: jBPM Console
staffsgull Nov 20, 2013 6:01 PM (in response to ppanks)I am having the same issue, just got round to trying the bpm components and found there is no console. The bpm quickstart deploys and tests ok. Is this a deliberate omission or am I missing something? I have checked all the guides and they just seems to refer to the bpm-console.
Hope someone can advise.
Rod -
2. Re: jBPM Console
kconner Nov 27, 2013 11:12 AM (in response to staffsgull)The jBPM console is one of the components that will be made available through the BPM platform rather than through Fuse Service Works. We provide the integration to enable the execution of BPMN2 process flows from within SwitchYard services.
3. Re: jBPM Console
staffsgull Nov 27, 2013 5:42 PM (in response to kconner)Thanks for the reply Kevin,
I understand the separation, but could you then clarify the following questions :
a) If there is a jBPM component in the switchyard SCA, can this switchyard SCA be deployed to the BPM platform?
b) If we deploy the BPM component to a FSW platform, is there anyway we can then see the BPM processes and instances in a console?
I am not too concerned with designer functionality, more runtime viewing and process monitoring etc.