1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 25, 2013 8:18 AM by kcbabo

    How to use and configure SEDA in Switchyard using Eclipse tooling


      We have a JSON 'composite service' that we would like to connect directly to a SEDA component.

      The requirements is to enable the incoming restful API request to be processed by multiple 'service components' (enable multiple consumers on the SEDA).


      The SEDA binding selection does not show in the Eclipse switchyard tooling (palette ->binding) even though the 'Camel Core' for Gateway bindings was selected when we created the project.


      We could use JMS with publish and subscribe mode but we used SEDA in the past in Apache Camel projects and prefer it over JMS solution.

      We could edit the 'switchyard.xml' directly but I assume that the Eclipse tooling should be able to provide this configuration.

