1. Re: Jboss SOA 5.3.x
tcunning Nov 21, 2013 11:15 AM (in response to msbhalani)Mona,
Have you checked out the quickstarts yet?
1. Check out aggregator, dynamic_router, static_router - I'm not sure whether you want to route on content, or whether you just want to multicast to different services
2. webservice_wssecurity
3. I'm not sure this is the direction you want to go in, but look into retryHandlers? Why do you want to retry 5 minutes one minute apart? Is it to make sure the proxied endpoint is up?
2. Re: Jboss SOA 5.3.x
msbhalani Nov 24, 2013 2:25 PM (in response to tcunning)Thanks for your reply.
- No route on content.
ESB (receive message)
- Log1
- modify/enhance it and drop into Queue --- using JMSRouter
- Log2
- call services (SOAP)
It drops message into queue but after that I do not see Log2 in console but eventually it goes to DQL. Without message drop (without #b), it works fine – I see Log1, Log2 in console and also it calls service. What’s the solution to drop message and then call service in above scenario?
- Yes. It is for end web service call (using SOAPClient or SOAPProxy) and I need flexible configuration.
- How to pass custom soap header values from SOAP Request to SOAP Response (within ESB)?
- How to secure end webservice (non-secure) using SOAPProxy i.e. how to implement different security for ESB service (for end client consumption) than external/proxied web service - need to hide provider security but also have some security for ESB service?