1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 22, 2013 3:42 AM by danielnuss

    How to configure ha in domain mode?


      Hi all,

      i want to configure ha within a JBoss EAP 6.1 cluster which runs in domain mode. I understand how to configure a backup node when using standalone mode. But i could not find enough information to understand how this works when configuring domain mode, where all subsystems are configured in domain.xml. Could you give me a hint how to do server-specific configurations like a backup server there? Is it possible to overwrite subsystem settings within host.xml?

      Maybe there is more information about how to configure JBoss in domain mode somewhere, but i could not find it  - if this is the case i'm glad if you give me the link to this documentation.

      Thank you!

        • 1. Re: How to configure ha in domain mode?

          For anyone who has a similar 'problem': The solution is quite simple, just use two different profiles in domain.xml, one for live and one for backup nodes. Sometimes the correct solution is maybe just too obvious or simple to think of :-)