15. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
hongan Nov 20, 2013 8:35 PM (in response to tcunning)Hello Tom,
Thank you for your help.
After re-extracting the JBoss ESB and JBoss ESB server, I can run the sample successfully. About the project in Eclipse, instead of using JBoss AS 5.1, I use JBoss ESB server runtime. So it run successfully, print the message I want. I just wonder why it cannot work with JBoss AS.
16. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
tcunning Nov 21, 2013 11:04 AM (in response to hongan)An,
It should work fine with JBoss AS 5.1 - my guess is maybe that you have the configuration misconfigured (deploying to wrong profile (e.g. "all" instead of "default"?) or copying to the wrong directory?). Those are things you can easily double check - you can go into server/<profile>/deploy and see that your .esb package was copied there.
17. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
hongan Nov 22, 2013 3:19 AM (in response to tcunning)Hello Tom,
I just check the directory as well as the profile. It is default profile and I even see the .esb package in the /deploy folder. But it's not my concern now, I'm using ESB server and it works well. Anyway, thank you for your help.
18. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
hongan Nov 24, 2013 10:15 PM (in response to harrylax)Hello Tom,
Could you please give me some clue about implementing HelloWorld_FTP_Action in Eclipse. I run the sample sucessfully in command line. After that, I copy configuration files into Eclipse project so that I can have information like host name, user name, password, FTP directory,... without reading again Quickstart.properties. I can deploy the ESB but it does nothing when I run FTP Client Test.
I attach the server log and a snapshot of my Eclipse project struture so that you can help me.
Thanks in advance for your helps.
server_log.txt.zip 10.4 KB
ESB-FTP.png 237.3 KB
19. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
tcunning Nov 25, 2013 10:19 AM (in response to hongan)I see from the screenshot / log that you are using AS 4.2.3.GA - what version of JBoss ESB are you using?
20. Re: Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
tcunning Nov 26, 2013 12:29 PM (in response to hongan)After looking at this, my guess is that you're not invoking the client with the right arguments. Here's what's going on in ant runtest :
<java fork="yes" classname="org.jboss.soa.esb.samples.quickstart.helloworldftpaction.test.CreateTestFile" failonerror="true">
<sysproperty key="log4j.configuration" value="${log4j.xml}"/>
<arg value="${quickstart.jbossesb.ftp.hostname}"/>
<arg value="${quickstart.jbossesb.ftp.username}"/>
<arg value="${quickstart.jbossesb.ftp.password}"/>
<arg value="${quickstart.jbossesb.ftp.directory}/HWFtp-${timestamp}.dat"/>
<arg value="Hello World In A File (for Hello World FTP Action test)"/> <!-- File Contents -->
<classpath refid="exec-classpath"/>
Even if you have a tough time invoking the client here, you should be able to do everything in Eclipse, and then manually create a file in the ftp directory.
21. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
hongan Nov 27, 2013 9:28 PM (in response to tcunning)As I know, when running ant deploy, the FTP_Action project read quickstart.properties and fill the information of FTP host to configuration file jboss-esb.xml. So in case I develop FTP Action in Eclipse, I copy that jboss-esb.xml file to my Eclipse project. How could it be wrong? When I run the client test, it is successfully in creating a new file into FTP server. But the FTP Action is expected to print the content and rename the file, but it does nothing.
22. Re: JBoss ESB Sample QuickStarts Helloworld
tcunning Dec 2, 2013 12:33 PM (in response to hongan)An,
So the problem you are experiencing is in build/deployment of the ESB archive under Eclipse?
- the deployment.xml in quickstart depend on the build.xml in the quickstart - the build changes the queue definitions in deployment.xml depending on what messaging implementation you are using. If you want to build straight from Eclipse, build the ESB archive, and then check the built ESB archive in build/Quickstart_helloworld.esb (unjar it) and use the deployment.xml found there. Check out what the transformDeploymentXml target in the quickstart build does for more details.
- make sure there are no tokens left in your jboss-esb.xml (example : @FTP_PASSWORD@, @FTP_USERNAME@)
Those are my two best guesses - let me know if you have luck with those.