rich:dataTable zebra style
morellik Oct 23, 2013 4:32 AMDear all,
I'm trying to enable zebra style on my dataTable, but I've some trouble. I follow the example from show case:
<style> .even-row { background-color: #FCFFFE; } .odd-row { background-color: #ECF3FE; } .active-row { background-color: #FFEBDA !important; cursor: pointer; } </style> <rich:panel header="List User" style="width:800px;"> <h:form id="formID"> <rich:dataTable id="dataTable" value="#{localUserEJB.userlist}" var="n" rowClasses="odd-row, even-row" styleClass="stable" rows="10" > <rich:column sortBy="#{n.lastName}" id="lastname" sortOrder="#{localUserEJB.lastnameOrder}" filterExpression="#{fn:containsIgnoreCase(n.lastName, filteringBean.lastNameFilterString)}" > <f:facet name="header"> <a4j:commandLink value="User" render="dataTable" action="#{localUserEJB.sortByLastname}" /> <h:inputText value="#{filteringBean.lastNameFilterString}"> <a4j:ajax event="change" render="dataTable" execute="@this" /> </h:inputText> </f:facet> #{n.firstName} #{n.lastName} ....... ........ ......... </rich:dataTable> </h:form> <rich:jQuery selector=".stable tr:odd" query="addClass('odd-row')" /> <rich:jQuery selector=".stable tr:even" query="addClass('even-row')" /> <rich:jQuery selector=".stable tr" event="mouseover" query="jQuery(this).addClass('active-row')" /> <rich:jQuery selector=".stable tr" event="mouseout" query="jQuery(this).removeClass('active-row')" /> <rich:notifyMessages stayTime="2000" nonblocking="true" /> </rich:panel> </rich:column>
But, when I reload the page all rows has the same background color (odd-color) and the mouse events works.
If I remove:
<rich:jQuery selector=".stable tr:odd" query="addClass('odd-row')" />
<rich:jQuery selector=".stable tr:even" query="addClass('even-row')" />
and reload the page the page has the zebra style and the mouse events works. But when I sort or filter the columns the mouse events stops to works.
How can I solve this problem?