4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 4, 2015 9:51 AM by straubej

    Jboss 7.1 + cluster + domain + EJB Timer not working


      Dear Team,


      I have set the clustered jboss 7.1 with domain configuration. and deploy one application which is working fine.


      one EJB class has @Schedule (timer service) annotation. it has one scheduler which is running every 10 minutes.

      i deploy ear in standalone mode its working fine and its print sysout.

      when i deploy it same ear to domain mode its not working means no scheduler called ... no sysout printed.


      I used quartz.properties file for cluster quartz deployment for other scheduler which needs to be run on one instance only.


      I set domain and host controller on same machine... two instance i created. all in one machine only.


      @Schedule configuration as

      @Schedule(second="0",minute="*/5",hour="*", persistent=false)

      public void test(){

           LOGGER.info("refreshAppSettingCache() called");



      Please help...