1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 26, 2013 9:37 AM by mageshbk

    REST binding. Checking confidentiality and clientAuthentication.




      I try to implement REST service which will have required confidentiality and client authentication ( HTTP Basic ) but unfortunately  I cannot. Despite of using HTTPS protocol on client side the server throws following exception: "org.switchyard.HandlerException: Required policies have not been provided: confidentiality". The same thing is with client authentication. Client application adds authentication header to REST request but server throws exception that client authentication policy has not been provided. The server configuration (security domain, HTTPS connector) is correct because I have SOAP services and they works without any problems. Could You tell me how can I solve this problem?


      I use JBoss EAP 6.1 with SwitchYard 1.0.0 Final. I have attached the test application. Any advice will be appreciate.