0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 1, 2013 4:30 PM by janssk77

    Sharing configuration of multiple (infinispan) caches




      I was under the impression the the default-cache of a cache-container could be used to define a 'cache template' that would be used by all caches created for the cache-container.

      However, i bit of digging tells me it can't. (default-cache is only used to define a name of a cache to use in case no name is specified when looking up a cache).


      Infinispan core does support the concept of a a 'cache template' (to make it even more confusing, this is called defaultConfiguration of a cache container), but i did not find a way of configuring it using jboss configuration format.

      Is there some way to ge this working on jboss ? A want to create multiple (5+) caches using the same configuration, and would prefer to configure  a template only once instead of configuring each cache individually.


      Thanks & Regards,
