1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 2, 2013 2:06 AM by wdfink

    multiple standalone instance Jboss 7


      How can I have multiple standalone instances under a single Jboss 7


      At present I have two standalone directories as follows




      (planning to map each standalone to different interfaces)


      When I start standaloneLAN

      standalone.bat -server-config=..\standaloneLAN\configuration\standalone-full.xml


      I am getting error message as logging.properties not found (I deleted my default standalone folder to make sure configuration as kept seperate)

      Then I set the env variable


      set JBOSS_BASE_DIR=D:\jboss-standalone-config\standaloneLAN


      But still i get error message as follows

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBAS018702: Server base directory

      does not exist: D:\jboss-standalone-config\standalone


      How Can I resolve my above issue.


      Anyone had success by starting two standalone instance in jboss7?


