1. Re: What is site editor in GateIn ?
vstorm83 Dec 2, 2013 5:38 AM (in response to anishantony)1. The "Site Editor" that you see is a menu portlet (AdminToolbarPortlet in exoadmin.war), it provide 3 items: add page, edit page, edit site layout. But to edit layout, it's the role of Portal Composer, and this is a portal component, not a portlet
2. how do you want to attach site editor with navigation.xml , and for what ?
3. The AdminToolbarPortlet provide URLs to portal composer, you find how it build url here: https://github.com/gatein/gatein-portal/blob/master/portlet/exoadmin/src/main/webapp/groovy/admintoolbar/webui/component/UIAdminToolbarPortlet.gtmpl
this it JS command for building edit site layout: eXo.env.server.createPortalURL('UIWorkingWorkspace', 'EditInline', true)
4. yes, GateIn skin can be overriden. Pls try to change portal skin to "Simple Skin". Here is the source code: https://github.com/gatein/gatein-portal/tree/master/examples/skins/simpleskin
Portal composer is a portal component, so to change its skin, you'll need to overwrite the GateIn core skin (it's possible to do, but we don't have example yet)
2. Re: What is site editor in GateIn ?
anishantony Dec 3, 2013 12:02 AM (in response to vstorm83)Thanks vu viet Phuong
But when i run the javascript code (eXo.env.server.createPortalURL('UIWorkingWorkspace', 'EditInline', true)) i got following error on my js console.
I run the above code from gatein home page. I think it cannot getting the component id . If it is right i have a question that how to get the component id of a page?
3. Re: What is site editor in GateIn ?
vstorm83 Dec 3, 2013 9:39 PM (in response to anishantony)I don't see any error in the attacted image, it's print out the URL
eXo.env.server.createPortalURL('UIWorkingWorkspace', 'EditInline', true) --> help to create Ajax URL to layout edit action. Then you can use this
<a href="#" onclick="ajaxGet(eXo.env.server.createPortalURL('UIWorkingWorkspace', 'EditInline', true))">Edit</a>
If you want an normal request, not ajax: pass false to that JS function
4. Re: What is site editor in GateIn ?
anishantony Dec 4, 2013 5:27 AM (in response to vstorm83)Thanks ...