1. Re: Jboss AS7 admin console not loading
wdfink Jul 27, 2012 4:59 PM (in response to neeraj.tati)How do you add a user?
Can you post the console in/output, and the standalone/configuration/mgmt-users.properties ?
2. Re: Jboss AS7 admin console not loading
neeraj.tati Jul 27, 2012 5:26 PM (in response to neeraj.tati)Hi Fink,
I am adding a user by executing add-user.bat file present in jboss_home/bin/ directory which adds the user entry in mgmt-user.properties file( located in C:\Temp\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\configuration).The content of mgmt-user.properties file is as below:
# Properties declaration of users for the realm 'ManagementRealm' which is the default realm
# for new AS 7.1 installations. Further authentication mechanism can be configured
# as part of the <management /> in standalone.xml.
# Users can be added to this properties file at any time, updates after the server has started
# will be automatically detected.
# By default the properties realm expects the entries to be in the format: -
# username=HEX( MD5( username ':' realm ':' password))
# A utility script is provided which can be executed from the bin folder to add the users: -
# - Linux
# bin/add-user.sh
# - Windows
# bin\add-user.bat
# The following illustrates how an admin user could be defined, this
# is for illustration only and does not correspond to a usable password.
Also, regarding webconsole output, i get only this error message " The webconsole page could not be loaded. Please refresh to start this page.
3. Re: Jboss AS7 admin console not loading
wdfink Jul 28, 2012 6:10 AM (in response to neeraj.tati)If you remove the user 'testuser' from the file and start the console you should see a page with the hint
"Welcome to AS7, your server is running"
and a description how to add the user.
After adding the user you will get the login dialog box of the browser.
I suppose you get a different error page that shows connection problems.
Could you post how you start the server, what version do you use, and whether you start with a fresh unzipped installation?
4. Re: Jboss AS7 admin console not loading
redmooning Dec 3, 2013 10:56 PM (in response to neeraj.tati)This problem was caused by browser. I had same trouble. change your browser and try again