2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 4, 2013 4:10 AM by wlh

    extendedDataTable columns width not adjusted with ajax loading


      Using Richfaces 4.3.4 on JBoss 7.1.1

      Browser Firefox 25, IE 10


      Problem can be reproduced on Richfaces Demo site as well.


      I'm using a rich:extendedData table with ajax loading (clientRows > 0). When I manually change the width of a column and afterwards scroll down to trigger ajax data loading, the table correctly loads new data, but does not reflect the changed column size. The result is that the column size of the header row and the data rows is different.


      Beyond this I noticed that the ajax data loading is always delayed with 1sec. Is there a possibility to shorten this delay, as it might be tedious for the user to always wait for 1 sec until the new data starts to load.


      Steps to reproduce easily:

      1. Go to Richfaces Demo site for extendeddatatable -> http://showcase.richfaces.org/richfaces/component-sample.jsf?demo=extendedDataTable&skin=blueSky

      2. Activate 'turn ajax loading on/off'

      3. Change the width of one column in the table.

      4. Scroll down until data is loaded.

      5. Result -> width of header- and data-columns differs


      Hope you can help me.


      Thanks a lot


