3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 5, 2013 1:39 AM by swiderski.maciej

    Retrieve Process Definitions and Meta-Data


      We are developing a UI interface that allows the user to define dynamic data requests from external data sources and use the data retrieved to trigger a workflow.  We would like to present a UI to the user that lists all the defined workflows in the system and allows them to select which one they want to execute using the retrieved data.  We will later expand this interface so that it can be triggered by other external events or a schedule. 


      USE CASE: Teacher contract approval  - the external database is queried to return all the teacher contracts due for renewal.  The list is presented to the user where they then hit a button to kick off all teacher contract approval workflow simultaneously.  Prior to kicking off the workflow the appropriate workflow was selected  from a list of existing workflows.


      The triggering of the workflow seems pretty straight forward but we are not sure where to retrieve the defined processes and their process ids from - we are assuming it maybe the git VFS through the Uberfire API - if so are there any examples of how to do this - I realize the workbench is doing this very task - could you point me to the most relevant code example.  Thanks. 

        • 1. Re: Retrieve Process Definitions and Meta-Data

          it depends if you planning to use jBPM in embedded mode or use directly kie workbench. Assuming based on the description more suitable is embedded option.


          You're right kie workbench does store all deployments in git repository (system repository) but it does store only identification of the module that is deployed (like GAV of kjar). On the deployment time it is then parsed and produces a DeploymentEvent so others can observe and get relevant data out of it, like list of available processes, forms, etc. Please note that it's done over CDI and if that fits your environment you should use DeploymentService (KmoduleDeploymentService) and then react on the events of deployed units and store them wherever you like. kie workbench uses system git as that is central place for config data and then process definitions itself are only stored in memory and restored on every application start.



          • 2. Re: Retrieve Process Definitions and Meta-Data

            Actually we are still planning to use the kie workbench we just want access to the information outside the workbench to trigger workflows - does kie workbench expose an API to retrieve this information?  Also the JBPM supports an interface to start processes remote through REST calls - where does the application developer typically get the metadata (such as process id) to make these calls?

            • 3. Re: Retrieve Process Definitions and Meta-Data

              so in that case using REST api would be the way to go. I believe deployments resource was added just few days ago so you might want to look at what's available in master and see if that fits your needs or there is still something missing and if so, file a jira.

              For the remote api it would be similar as you would do it over local api, get processes from kbase. Although it might be a good idea to expose that as well over RuntimeManager api too. Again, would be great to get a jira for this

