1. Re: Reducing the work during a coarse lock.
jesper.pedersen Dec 17, 2013 5:06 AM (in response to whitingjr)checking the state of the connection listener and the outcome deturmining the state of the variable 'kill'. line 446-447
Yeah, that can be moved outside.
wrap the call to statistics.setInUsedCount with an if statement checking whether statistics is true. It is known that a call to statistics.setInUsedCount contains inside it the same check but, by then 3 method calls have been made. Whereas only 1 needs calling using the wrapping. It's not much but everything counts in this large block of code. L450
Yeah, and it can be moved outside.
move the modification of the two permits references, L 483-487
Yeah, modifying the permit outside of the block is ok.
move the call to used(), L 472
Nope, that needs to happen due to the XAResource timeout reset.
remove the check for the key in the collection, instead try removing the object and checking the method return value. If not null then release the permit. L 483-487
2. Re: Reducing the work during a coarse lock.
jesper.pedersen Dec 17, 2013 6:08 AM (in response to jesper.pedersen)The changes has been merged.