1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 17, 2013 7:05 PM by s3lvatico

    Custom endpoint address


      Greetings everyone.


      Kind of a noobish question, yet I ask because I couldn't figure out how to work this out.


      Following I present you the classic pair SEI-SIB, that I'm deploying as an EJB:




      @WebService(targetNamespace = "http://gmnz.org/Sandbox/goodness")

      public interface GoodService {

         public String sayHello();








            endpointInterface = "org.gmnz.ws.sandbox.GoodService",

            serviceName = "GoodService",

            portName = "GoodServicePort",

            targetNamespace = "http://gmnz.org/Sandbox/goodness")

      public class GoodServiceImpl implements GoodService {



         public String sayHello() {

            return "meow!";




      Upon deployment on AS 7.1.1, all behaves as expected:




      as I outlined in the orange frame, I'm ok with the hostname (for now), I'm ok with the port and the context, yet how can I change the rest of the address url according to my own needs? (e.g. http://localhost:8090/WsCustomUri/GoodService  , http://localhost:8090/WsCustomUri/services/GoodOne , ...)