1. Re: Database persisted sessions for JBOSS 7.1
wdfink Dec 19, 2013 2:42 AM (in response to sanjmand)AS7 and former versions of JBoss are complete different in implementation and configuration.
So you can't use the configuration from AS4.
I think there is no possibility to add such configuration in AS7
2. Re: Database persisted sessions for JBOSS 7.1
sanjmand Dec 19, 2013 3:44 AM (in response to wdfink)Hi ,
According to you, the session cache/ session persisted feature is not there in jboss7.1.
However as per my knowledge , almost every server (weblogic, websphere,tomcat etc) has this feature. If this feature is not supported then how sessions are stored and maintained in jboss7.1?
Sanjeev Kumar
3. Re: Database persisted sessions for JBOSS 7.1
wdfink Dec 19, 2013 9:19 AM (in response to sanjmand)It is not specified by the EE spec how a server stores the sessions.
By default AS7 use a replicated infinispan cache which store to the local filesystem.
You might look into the configuration (standalone-ha.xml). Also the cluster how to documentation might helpful.
You can choice several different methods, one is to have a custom-store where you are able to do what you want.
4. Re: Database persisted sessions for JBOSS 7.1
sanjmand Jan 6, 2014 9:04 AM (in response to wdfink)Thanks for your suggestion.
I have gone through the links (cluster how to) sent by you and found that we need to use following entry <distributable/> in web.xml to enable session replication.
Can you elaborate little more about different method you mentioned in your last post & whether these methods means below methods, in that case I am unable to find out the custom-store.
Cache Containers
Local Caches
Invalidation Caches
Replicated Caches
Distributed Caches
In the above links I am getting below tabs :
Store,File Store,JDBC Store, RMT Store
Do I need to put our session persistent configuration in store or JDBC Store in the above tabs.
Sanjeev Kumar