2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 20, 2013 11:59 AM by wdfink

    Is ejb3-timer-service.xml required to be in deploy folder if it is not been used in applications?


      I use quartz-2.2.1.jar in one of the jars and it is available in ..\JBoss-5.0.0.GA\server\default\lib folder. When I start JBoss I get the following error but my quartz scheduler works as expected.



      org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException: Failure occured during job recovery. [See nested exception: org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't recover jobs: Column not found: PRIORITY in statement [SELECT TRIGGER_NAME, TRIGGER_GROUP FROM QRTZ_TRIGGERS WHERE SCHED_NAME = 'JBossEJB3QuartzScheduler' AND NOT (MISFIRE_INSTR = -1) AND NEXT_FIRE_TIME < ? AND TRIGGER_STATE = ? ORDER BY NEXT_FIRE_TIME ASC, PRIORITY DESC] [See nested exception: java.sql.SQLException: Column not found: PRIORITY in statement [SELECT TRIGGER_NAME, TRIGGER_GROUP FROM QRTZ_TRIGGERS WHERE SCHED_NAME = 'JBossEJB3QuartzScheduler' AND NOT (MISFIRE_INSTR = -1) AND NEXT_FIRE_TIME < ? AND TRIGGER_STATE = ? ORDER BY NEXT_FIRE_TIME ASC, PRIORITY DESC]]]


      Since I don't need to to the failure recovery I removed ejb3-timer-service.xml from deploy folder and error dissipated as expected. My questions are:

      1. Is this the way to fix this issue?
      2. What impact JBoss has by removing ejb3-timer-service.xml file?
      3. Not having ejb3-timer-service.xml file effect EJB3 Message Driven Bean?