1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 21, 2013 10:36 AM by jsvitak

    jbpm6 configuration by exception


      I consider now CDI as a natural extension to Java making programming life more comfortable and I wouldn't like to live without it even when creating standalone applications. So I wonder, if I could do something like this:


      public class KieCdi



          @KReleaseId(groupId = "my", artifactId = "jbpmcdi", version = "1")

          KieSession kieSession;


          public static void main( String[] args )


              new Weld()








          void run()






      Kmodule.xml contains only the information about the process definition:


      <kbase name="kbase" includes="proc.bpmn2"/>


      Without any additional information I should be able to get some default session, which uses some default services. Later I could adjust the environment to my specific needs. I can provide all the needed Maven dependencies, if I knew what could they be.

      It fails now complaining about missing kproject.xml (message coming from KieCDIExtension), what is this file? And is this approach feasible at all?


      I tried also another approach:


      public class App




          RuntimeManager manager;


          public static void main( String[] args )


              new Weld()








          void run()








      This time I came up to startProcess() (I provided missing dependencies using CDI producers) but now I don't know how to provide declaratively kbase. It can be done programmatically, but then I am deprived from CDI advantages.

