1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 27, 2013 4:47 PM by oresistemas

    Error when creating a container (fabric - shh)


      Hi everyone. I was creating a fabric in JBoss Fuse and then I created a container with the command:


      fabric:container-create-ssh --host svrfuse2 --user fuse --password fuse123 --path /home/fuse/containers --resolver manualip camel_01


      But the container cannot starts. When I saw the info:


      JBossFuse:admin@root> container-info camel_01

      Name:                          camel_01

      Version:                       1.0

      Alive:                         false

      Resolver:                      manualip

      Network Address:               null

      SSH Url:                       null

      JMX Url:                       null

      Profiles:                      default

      Provision Status:              not provisioned


      Why the Network Address, SSH and JMX URLs are null? What is wrong?


      I use:



      JDK 1.6.0_45


      Thanks for your help.

        • 1. Re: Error when creating a container (fabric - shh)

          Almost forgot: I'm behind a proxy and I had to add the proxy details in the maven file  "settings.xml" and in ".bash_profile".


          In settings.xml:











          In .bash_profile:


          #HTTP Proxy

          export http_proxy=

          export no_proxy="localhost,,,,,svrfuse1,svrfuse2,svrfuse3"