1. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
rareddy Jan 5, 2014 5:54 PM (in response to kondylak)If you create VDB with this service, and issue query against this services does it work? I suspect come configuration issue with SOAP service in Designer. I advise to test source model procedure that invokes the SOAP service to make sure that works, check the server and designer logs while doing so.
2. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
tejones Jan 5, 2014 10:39 PM (in response to kondylak)Generally, this means the root path is not being determined/set correctly. Make sure your root path is the highest common path to your data. If you could post your WSDL, that would be helpful to help us diagnose.
3. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
kondylak Jan 6, 2014 3:54 PM (in response to kondylak)Thanks for your help but still it doesn't work
The test wsdl that I'm trying to integrate is the following
And I'm trying to invoke the getDominantDescriptions(27827,0) however althought it returns results through a client if I try to do it through the Teiid Designer it always returns null. I would be grateful if you could look at it!!
Thanks in advance,
4. Re: Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
rareddy Jan 6, 2014 6:49 PM (in response to kondylak)Haris,
Your Designer procedures should look like
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE BEGIN SELECT XMLELEMENT(NAME getDominantDescriptions, XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.pocketecgonline.com/access/' AS tns), XMLELEMENT(NAME patientId, EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions_request.patientId), XMLELEMENT(NAME sessionIndex, EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions_request.sessionIndex)) AS xml_out; END
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE BEGIN SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.pocketecgonline.com/access/' AS tns), '/tns:getDominantDescriptionsResponse' PASSING EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions_response.xml_in COLUMNS "string" string PATH '/tns:getDominantDescriptionsResult/tns:string') AS t; END
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE BEGIN SELECT t.* FROM TABLE(EXEC EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions_request(EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions.patientId, EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions.sessionIndex)) AS request, TABLE(EXEC EHealthWebService.invoke('SOAP12', 'http://www.pocketecgonline.com/access/getDominantDescriptions', REQUEST.xml_out, null, TRUE)) AS response, TABLE(EXEC EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions_response(RESPONSE.result)) AS t; END
Since I did not knew patient-id and seesion index, I could not test it. I even tried with SOAP-UI that gave me a empty response. But if you got a valid input values you will see the data.
5. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
kondylak Jan 6, 2014 7:10 PM (in response to kondylak)I 'll try them tomorrow and I'll let you know.
If you want to try a valid patient_id is 27827 and a session index is 0
Than you very much for your help, I hope it will work!!
6. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
kondylak Jan 7, 2014 8:32 AM (in response to kondylak)Ok, problem fixed
The problem was that the automatically produced designer procedure was /tnsgetDom.. instead of /tns:getDom...
7. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
tejones Jan 7, 2014 10:25 AM (in response to kondylak)That's great! Can you please paste your request and response procedures here so we can make sure we generate correctly for the next release?
8. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
kondylak Jan 14, 2014 9:30 AM (in response to tejones)The correct was
- SELECT t.* FROM XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES('http://www.pocketecgonline.com/access/' AS tns), '/tns:getDominantDescriptionsResponse' PASSING EHealthWebServiceView.getDominantDescriptions_response.xml_in COLUMNS "string" string PATH '/tns:getDominantDescriptionsResult/tns:string') AS t;
9. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
tejones Jan 14, 2014 10:02 AM (in response to kondylak)Cool.. did you have to change the request at all?
10. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
rareddy Jan 14, 2014 10:17 AM (in response to tejones)Ted,
The procedures generated are fine.
The issue is that Designer do not give user a clear way to set the "root" path. It calculates from the first selected column. That may not be what user needs sometimes. I think there should be an option to the user to click on the XML tree on a element/node and select it as root node.
If Designer already have something like this, I did not find it intuitively, so there is some enhancement to be done.
11. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
tejones Jan 14, 2014 10:25 AM (in response to rareddy)Ramesh,
You can right-click on an element to set it as root. Feel free to log an issue if you think we need to make this clearer.
12. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
rareddy Jan 14, 2014 10:39 AM (in response to tejones) -
13. Re: Consume WSDL web service - Preview always returns null results
tejones Jan 14, 2014 10:47 AM (in response to tejones)Ramesh,
You are right... this looks like a regression. I will log it.