4 Replies Latest reply on Jan 13, 2014 11:29 AM by radsat

    Migration from jboss4 to jboss5




      I am new to jboss development. The current project I work in, is in jboss4 and we are migrating that to jboss5 enterprise edition. Would migration bring in the old jar files from jboss4 or would it be a complete replace of jboss5 files.


      Appreciate your reply.

        • 1. Re: Migration from jboss4 to jboss5

          I don't understand what you mean

          If your development is spec compliant you only need to have the JavaEE API for compiling.

          you should not include that to your archive.

          In that case you can deploy the same application in JBoss4 and JBoss5.


          If you have JBoss specific API's used for development you need to use the JBoss5 libraries for development and fix your code if there are changes

          • 2. Re: Migration from jboss4 to jboss5

            Thanks for taking time to answer, we used some jar files from jboss4, but i could not find them in the jboss 5.

            I am looking for the equivalent of these jar files.






            Do you know if there is an equivalent to these jars, if so where would it be.



            • 3. Re: Migration from jboss4 to jboss5

              I'm not sure, but I would check the JBOSS5 jar files for the classnames you use.

              • 4. Re: Migration from jboss4 to jboss5

                Thanks for your reply.

                I checked jboss5 jar file but did not have any reference.

                But I found references of ServiceBindingManager, ServiceBindingStore and ServiceConfigLocator in jboss-as-varia-5.1.0.GA.jar and jboss-as-system-jmx-5.1.0.GA.jar. But even after putting them to the class path reference, i still get an error in ServerConfigLocator.locate() in eclipse. The error is,

                The type org.jboss.bootstrap.spi.ServerConfig cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files.