1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 13, 2014 1:13 PM by nfilotto

    Cluster Cache Replication


      My configuration is as follows: Jboss Gatein 3.5.0.Final, cluster setup in local index mode, containing of nodes node1 and node2. Jgroups is configured to work in tcp (tcpping) mode.


      Unfortunately the cluster has a strange behaviour:

          - Change the name of a navigation entry (or any other content) on node1

          - Accessing the navigation entry on node2: still the old name is displayed

          - Accessing the navigation entry on node1: the new name is displayed

          - Accessing the navigation entry again on node2: now the new name is displayed also here


      So it seems, the content (cache?) is only replicated when the content has been read once on the initial node.


      Has anyone had a similar behaviour? Are there any additional settings, that have to be set?


      Any help is appreciated!


      Kind Regards,
