0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 17, 2014 5:26 AM by tushardk

    xercesIMPL causing issue  in JBOSS 5




      I am using JBOSS for the first time and trying to deploy an application which has EAR and  one of the WAR has xerecImpl.jar

      Due to this on deployment i get "failed to create new SAX parser" error and application failed to deploy..

      I checked on the community  and find out that this is known issue and i need to change the class loader.

      I tried with JBOSS-APP.xml JBOSS-WEB xml in both META-INF nad WEB-INF respectively.But could not reslove the issue.

      I tried removing the xerecImpl.jar but application is causing other exceptions like ClassCastException.

      Can someone please help me to get around this issue???

