4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 25, 2014 1:55 PM by fertroya

    DeadlockDetectingLockManager available in ISPN 6.x?


      Hi there,


      I've read this blog post about dead lock detection and it mentions DeadlockDetectingLockManager Mbean as a source for statistics.

      I'm running infinispan-server-6.0.0 with a standard clustered cache and I can only see these MBeans:




      What am I missing? Is DeadlockDetectingLockManager available in ISPN 6.x? Do I have to enable those stats in partcular?


      Thanks in advance for your help, cheers!

        • 1. Re: DeadlockDetectingLockManager available in ISPN 6.x?

          do you have deadlock detection enabled?

          • 2. Re: DeadlockDetectingLockManager available in ISPN 6.x?

            Hi there again Mircea; I'm struggling with the documentation available to enable deadlock detection in JBoss 7.

            This is a snippet of my replicated-cache configuration in clustered.xml:


                             <remote-timeout="30000" start="EAGER">

                                    <locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED" acquire-timeout="30000"

                                            concurrency-level="1000" striping="false" />

                                                    <deadlockDetection enabled="true" spinDuration="500" /> 

                                    <transaction mode="NONE" />

                                    <file-store passivation="false" preload="true" fetch-state="false"

                                            shared="false" path="employees-${jboss.node.name}">

                                            <write-behind flush-lock-timeout="1"

                                                    modification-queue-size="1024" shutdown-timeout="25000"

                                                    thread-pool-size="1" />




            I've tried to add <deadlockDetection enabled="true" spinDuration="500" /> as a sibling for the locking element, as stated here Infinispan transactions - Infinispan 6.0 - Project Documentation Editor  but I got an error org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException: JBAS014676: Failed to parse configuration so evidently infinispan.xml configurations and infinispan as a JBoss 7 subsystem configurations are different.


            Reading the schema didn't help either.


            I'll keep on trying getting it enabled.


            • 3. Re: DeadlockDetectingLockManager available in ISPN 6.x?

              I don't think the infinispan subsistem in AS7 exposes the deadlock configuration. But if you're using non-tx caches, as you do, the deadlock detection doesn't have any effect - it only works for transactional caches.

              1 of 1 people found this helpful
              • 4. Re: DeadlockDetectingLockManager available in ISPN 6.x?

                Thanks Mircea for getting back to me so soon. I've changed transaction configuration to FULL-XA, then I've checked the JConsole again and found a Transactions MBean there, but it doesn't provide deadlock detection information.


                So, I guess setting up  Infinispan 6 on JBoss7 as a subsystem doesn't support deadlock detection. I find it odd since Infinispan does provide it as a feature which we can't use in JBoss7.




                NOTE: I've edited this reply as I had posted questions here that didn't belong to the original thread.