0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 4, 2014 5:20 AM by pdhaigh

    High error counts on AJP connector (JBoss AS 7.1)




      I am seeing high percentage error counts on the AJP processor os AS7:


      For instance:

      [standalone@localhost:9990 /] ./subsystem=web/connector=ajp:read-resource(include-runtime=true)


          "outcome" => "success",

          "result" => {

              "bytesReceived" => "19563",

              "bytesSent" => "149216136",

              "enable-lookups" => false,

              "enabled" => true,

             "errorCount" => "586",

              "executor" => undefined,

              "max-connections" => undefined,

             "max-post-size" => 2097152,

              "max-save-post-size" => 4096,

              "maxTime" => "1527",

              "name" => "ajp",

             "processingTime" => "122014",

              "protocol" => "AJP/1.3",

              "proxy-name" => undefined,

              "proxy-port" => undefined,

              "redirect-port" => 8433,

             "requestCount" => "4176",

              "scheme" => "http",

              "secure" => false,

              "socket-binding" => "ajp",

              "ssl" => undefined,

              "virtual-server" => undefined




      There are no apparent errors in the mod_jk log on the apache side (logging at info level).


      How can I determine the cause of these errors, and should I be concerned?