8 Replies Latest reply on Jan 27, 2014 7:33 PM by ybxiang.china

    Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem


      Dear guys,


      I found a very interesting bug with JBoss Marshalling:


      Bellow ArrayList can NOT be serialized by JBoss Marshalling correctly:


      ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>(){


                      this.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));




      ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>(){

          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


                      this.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));




      Here, XOrder implements java.io.Serializable.




      If I change above codes to:

      ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>();

      orderbyList.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));


      Then, JBoss Marshalling process it well.




      It is NOT a severe problem.

        • 1. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

          Is it anything to do with the Serializability of the containing class? By doing this (or the second example):


          ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>(){


                          this.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));




          ... an anonymous inner class is being created, which carries around with it a reference to its containing class. If you use a static inner class instead, does it work? Something like this (please forgive syntax errors!):


          public class ContainingClass


               private static class MyArrayList extends ArrayList<XOrder> {

                    public MyArrayList(Object orderByCreateDateAsc) {

                          this.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));





          Then try to construct and marshall MyArrayList...

          • 2. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

            Is it anything to do with the Serializability of the containing class?

            ~~~~~At first, I did NOT believe this can happen too. But this does happen, and I spent much time to find it out.

            • 3. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

              This is interesting.  What is the symptom of the failure?  Is there an exception on deserialize?

              • 4. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

                Caused by: java.io.NotSerializableException: com.ybxiang.nms.gui.platform.AlarmView

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(RiverMarshaller.java:894)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteFields(RiverMarshaller.java:1066)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteSerializableObject(RiverMarshaller.java:1022)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(RiverMarshaller.java:888)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteFields(RiverMarshaller.java:1066)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteSerializableObject(RiverMarshaller.java:1022)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.river.RiverMarshaller.doWriteObject(RiverMarshaller.java:888)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractObjectOutput.writeObject(AbstractObjectOutput.java:62)

                    at org.jboss.marshalling.AbstractMarshaller.writeObject(AbstractMarshaller.java:115)

                    at org.jboss.ejb.client.remoting.RemotingConnectionEJBReceiver.processInvocation(RemotingConnectionEJBReceiver.java:307)

                    ... 61 more

                Caused by: an exception which occurred:

                    in field this$0

                    in field orderby

                    in object com.ybxiang.jpa.query.api.XPager@179e873"




                **************************************************************************** related classes ************************************************************************************

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                import java.io.Serializable;

                import java.util.List;


                public class XPager implements Serializable {

                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                    public static final int DEFAULT_PAGESIZE = 50;//50

                    public static final int MINIMUM_PAGESIZE = 10;

                    public static final int MAXIMUM_PAGESIZE = 100;

                    public static final int MAX_PAGESIZE = 300;

                    public static final int PAGENUM_START = 1;


                    public static final String CRITERIA_FLAG = "?";

                    //public final String className;//to protect DB, please specify your classname in com.ybxiang.jpa.query.impl.PagerHelper.getResult(Class, EntityManager, XPager)


                    public int pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGESIZE;

                    public int pageNum = PAGENUM_START;


                    public String wherePattern;//Example: ((?)AND(?)) OR (?)

                    public List<ICriteria> conditionList;//its size equals the number of "?" in wherePattern


                    public List<XOrder> orderby;





                import java.io.Serializable;


                public class XOrder implements Serializable{

                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


                    public final String attributeName;

                    public final boolean asc;

                    public XOrder(String attributeName,boolean asc){

                        this.attributeName = attributeName;

                        this.asc = asc;





                public interface ICriteria {





                import java.io.Serializable;

                import java.util.ArrayList;

                import java.util.List;


                public class QueryResult implements Serializable {   

                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;   


                    public int pageSize = XPager.DEFAULT_PAGESIZE;

                    public int pageNum = XPager.PAGENUM_START;


                    public int totalRecords = 0;

                    public int totalPages = XPager.PAGENUM_START;



                    public List records = new ArrayList();





                **************************************************************************** related ejb************************************************************************************

                **************************************************************************** related ejb************************************************************************************

                **************************************************************************** related ejb************************************************************************************

                public interface ISecuredRemoteSession{


                    public QueryResult queryAfn0EErc(XPager pager);






                public class SecuredRemoteSession implements ISecuredRemoteSession{


                    protected EntityManager em;



                    public QueryResult queryAfn0EErc(XPager pager){

                        return PagerHelper.getResult(Afn0EErc.class,em, pager);






                **************************************************************************** related client methods************************************************************************************

                **************************************************************************** related client methods************************************************************************************

                **************************************************************************** related client methods************************************************************************************


                private final XPager pager = new XPager();


                    private void rebuildPager(){

                //method-1: WRONG! JBoss MARSHALLING tool can NOT serialize/de-serialize ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList!
                /*ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>(){
                this.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));
                ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>();
                orderbyList.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));


                pager.wherePattern = wherePattern;
                pager.conditionList = criteriaList;
                pager.orderby = orderbyList;





                private ISecuredRemoteSession getSessionWithSSL(){
                   return securedRemoteSessionProxy;



                    public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {

                   QueryResult queryResult = this.getSessionWithSSL().queryAfn0EErc(pager);


                • 5. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

                  So the rebuildPager() method - could you clarify what class that is declared in? And is that Seralizable?

                  • 6. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

                    rebuildPager() is used to update XPager.

                    XPager is transfered to Wildfly8 through EJB Client.

                    I have updated above codes.

                    • 7. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

                      I still think the location of the rebuildPager() method is key. Let's suppose that it's something like this (i.e. you have it in the AlarmView class):


                      public class AlarmView {

                         private final XPager pager = new XPager();


                         private void rebuildPager() {

                             ArrayList<XOrder> orderbyList = new ArrayList<XOrder>() {


                                     this.add(new XOrder("createDate",orderbyCreateDateAsc));


                             pager.orderby = orderbyList;



                      The declaration "new ArrayList<XOrder>() { ... }" is not creating a plain ArrayList. Instead it is creating an anonymous inner class that is a subclass of ArrayList.

                      This anonymous inner class carries around with it a hidden reference called this$0 to the outer class, AlarmView. Therefore to be able to Serialize the anonymous inner class, the AlarmView class must also be Serializable.

                      This is likely to explain why "this$0" and "com.ybxiang.nms.gui.platform.AlarmView" appear in the stack trace you reported earlier.

                      1 of 1 people found this helpful
                      • 8. Re: Wildfly-8.0.0-CR1 Marshalling problem

                        I agree with you.