15. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
demidov91 Jan 27, 2014 9:42 AM (in response to uromahn)So, can jboss web services run on https?
16. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
radcortez Jan 27, 2014 11:00 AM (in response to demidov91)It can. The problem that people were experiencing here it how to rewrite the address in the wsdl if generate automatically.
Which JBoss version are you using?
17. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
demidov91 Jan 27, 2014 3:02 PM (in response to radcortez)I'm using jboss-6.1. Do you mean, I have to take genearted wsdl, edit it and public it as "static" file? I can do it, but the project have multiple web-services that should run on https. I'm afraid that code can become too custom.
18. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
radcortez Jan 27, 2014 4:29 PM (in response to demidov91)It depends on your setup. The problem here is when you have a something before the application server (like a load balancer, a proxy, etc) that receives the requests in https and communicates wit h the application server in http. This was not possible to resolve in JBoss 4x and 5x. Don't know about 6.x and later versions.
19. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
demidov91 Jan 27, 2014 4:59 PM (in response to radcortez)And how did you resolve it in previous versions? (jBoss serves requests directly from clients, without proxies etc.)
Here is my question on stackoverflow, maybe, xml from there can help you to describe possible solution. Thanks.
20. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
radcortez Jan 27, 2014 5:47 PM (in response to demidov91)Ok, I had a look there. Things changed a lot in configuration files. Are you deploying inside a war file? I think that you can do this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7790141/security-constraint-configuration-inside-web-xml-for-tomcat. It's for tomcat but the web.xml is the same for jboss.
21. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
demidov91 Jan 28, 2014 2:31 AM (in response to radcortez)Thank you, man! I just couldn't understand that <web-resource-collection> was necessary too in the "security-constraint" block. Now it is working like a charm!)
22. Re: How do I rewrite soap:address to always HTTPS
radcortez Jan 28, 2014 5:12 AM (in response to demidov91)Great! Glad I could help!