Many of our customers are already itching to migrate their existing BRMS5.3.1 based Guvnor repositories to a git equivalent for use in BPMS6.
Subsequently, I've been experimenting with the jboss-bpms-brms-6.0.0.GA-migration-tool.zip from CR2.
The first problem I encountered when using the migration tool on this sample BRMS5 based repo was an error related to not being able to resolve the categories used in that repo.
I can get into the details of this particular problem in a different thread if interested.
My question for this thread is whether there is even value in migrating categories ?
Categories have been deprecated in BPMS6 ..... so is there even a need for : org.drools.workbench.jsr2vfsmigration.migrator.CategoryMigrater ?
I moved past my immediate problem by manually removing all categories from all artifacts in my BRMS5.3.1 repo.
I could get away with this because my sample repo only had about 15 or so artifacts with categories.
This manual approach will be a problem however for our customers with hundreds/thousands of artifacts that use categories.