2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2014 4:31 PM by jamezp

    How to Configure Logging with JBoss Wildfly?


      Hi, I am trying to do a simple logging in my JSF application using JBoss Wildfly server and I cannot make it work.



      I have read the following documentation:




      But all it does is explain the parts of the standalone.xml and I am looking for a way to create application specific log and tutorials on how to use logging in my code. I tried org.jboss.logging.Logger class and still no luck.



      Any JBoss expert that can help me on this? A step by step configuration including using it on a Java code is very much appreciated. Thanks a lot.

        • 1. Re: How to Configure Logging with JBoss Wildfly?

          Simple case is to add the logger configuration to your standalone.xml (add a <logger category="my.package.Class"> for your application).

          You will find the output whithin the server.log. If you prefer a separate log i.e. application auditing, you can add a separate handler to your logger and write to a different file.


          Another way is to add the logging configuration to the application packaging which is described in the linked document.

          • 2. Re: How to Configure Logging with JBoss Wildfly?

            There is nothing special you need to do in your Java code. You can use any logging framework including J.U.L, JBoss Logging, log4j, slf4j or commons logging. wfink explains the rest.



            James R. Perkins

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